Monday 12 October 2009


These are the contact details for the current year (2012-2013).

If you're not sure who to contact, the secretary is probably the best bet. If you're interested in joining as an experienced rower, contact the appropriate captain. If you're a novice and would like to try out rowing, please contact the "organiser of novices", Simon Emmings (simoooon(at)

* Club Captain: Anne Roberts (anneroberts2020(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk)
* Men's Captains: William Connolley (wmconnolley(at) & Simon Emmings (simoooon(at)hotmail(dot)com)
* Women's Captain: Lorraine Turville (marion8(at)ntlworld(dot)com) / Meg Richards
* Secretary: Annie (annie.littlefoxes(at)btinternet(dot)com)
* Treasurer and Membership: Janice Day (janiceday(at)tesco(dot)net)
* Equipment Officer: Andy Southgate & David Crissall
* Webmaster: Ian Foster (alpine01(at)gmail(dot)com) & Paul Holland
* Kit Officer: Kate Winter
* Water Safety Advisor: Dave Richards
* Social Secretary: Luca Simonelli
* Race Secretary (Chestertonentries(at)gmail(dot)com): Meg Richards

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