The Head of the Cam Race is to be held on SATURDAY 27th APRIL 2013
Last-minute notes and updates, and results in due course, are available from the race results page.
Course of 2,600m upstream on the river Cam. 4 divisions, VIII's, IV's, smaller boats. BR, CRA, College classes.
Deadline for entries: Tuesday, April the 23rd.
Prizes of tastefully engraved shot glasses for category winners.
Enquiries and entries:
please contact the Race Secretary, William Connolley, at / 07985 935400.
For entries, please state your crew details: club, boat type (VIII, 4+, 4-, 4x, 2, 2x, 1x, etc), crew status (CRA / BR / College 1st Mays, 2nd, etc.), preferred division, and any constraints with crews in other divisions.
4 divisions, times:
Division 1 | 0900 |
Division 2 | 1040 |
Division 3 | 1220 |
Division 4 | 1400 |
It would be greatly appreciated if you would provide an estimate of your expected time, to be used for seeding purposes. If you don't provide one, I'll guess. Please attempt to be accurate rather than optimistic or pessimistic. An accurate estimate is most important for crews hoping to race without overtaking or being overtaking, either of which can slow you down.
Divisions tend to fill up for the VIII's, for which we have a rough limit of 25 per division. But (within reason) we can accommodate as many sculls and small boats as you like.
Entry: £6.50 per rowing seat. Cheques payable to CRA, sent to W M Connolley, 28 Silverdale Avenue, Coton, CB23 7PP (or direct transfer, details on request). Put your crew name(s) clearly on the back or on an enclosure.
Entry deadline: everyone wants to know what the entry deadline is, so that they can submit their entry 5 minutes before it, or more likely a day afterwards. Don't make me come and kill you. The deadline is the Tuesday before the race.
expected time depends heavily on the conditions. On a calm day or with a light tail wind down the long reach everyones times will be 2-4 minutes faster than rowing into a strong headwind.